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Chicken & Zucchini Pasta Bake – the Ultimate Convenience Dinner

  Listen up, uni students! This is the easiest thing in the world to make which is the reason I even made it. I do not like cooking. Sounds weird, right? After all, this is a food blog, but I like EATING OUT because I don't like cooking. Still, needs must – we all have to cook sometimes, and this was delish.  Before I start, a warning: I never measure anything . So the below is not written in the kind of logical, neat way you see on cooking blogs. Please use your own creative brains to understand the utensils you'll need and how much of anything you should add to your dish. Instructions Cut up whatever veg you want – go for a variety – peppers, mushrooms, green beans, onion, etc, etc, and fry it all in a deep pan with some butter. Before the veg starts going brown, cut up and throw in the chicken (up to 500g depending on how much you want). At this stage you need to be getting your water on the boil to cook the pasta. Cook the chicken mostly through, toss it around with the ve...

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